Langlaufen im Sarntal

Cross-country ski trails & trail report

Cross-country ski trails in Sarntal Valley

Cross-country skiing in the idyllic high valley, between high-altitude and night-time cross-country ski trails. The snow-covered world of the Sarn Valley in the small but fine cross-country skiing Eldorado delivers a special form of magic. A cross-country skiing holiday in South Tyrol is always a special kind of experience in the heart of the impressive Dolomites, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Cross-country ski trails in Sarntal - Pensertal (currently groomed in km / total)

  • 9 / 19 km
    3 Classic tracks
  • 9 / 19 km
    3 Skating tracks
  • 9 km
    1 High-altitude track
  • 2 km
    1 Lighted track
Rundkurs Pens-Asten (Classic Skating High-altitude track Lighted trail)
Elevation 1.458 - 1.523 hm
Altitude 70 hm
Length 9 km / 9 km
  • Difficulty medium
  • Length 9 km
  • Groomed 9 km
  • Altitude 70 hm
  • Elevation 1.458 - 1.523 hm

Rundkurs Pens-Asten - mittelschwerer,

Technische Daten:

Länge Piste: 8,85 km

Höhendifferenz: 104 m

Technik: Klassisch und Skating

Schwierigkeit: mittel


Circuito di Asten-Pens-Asten - di media difficoltà

Dati tecnici:

Lunghezza della pista: 8,85 km

Dislivello: 104 m

Tecnica: classica e skating

Difficoltà: media


Asten-Pens-Asten circuit - medium-difficulty

Technical data:

Length of piste: 8,85 km

Height difference: 104 m

Technique: classic and skating

Difficulty: medium


Rundkurs Asten-Pens-Asten - mittelschwerer,

Technische Daten:

Länge Piste: 8,85 km

Höhendifferenz: 104 m

Technik: Klassisch und Skating

Schwierigkeit: mittel


Circuito di Asten-Pens-Asten - di media difficoltà

Dati tecnici:

Lunghezza della pista: 8,85 km

Dislivello: 104 m

Tecnica: classica e skating

Difficoltà: media


Asten-Pens-Asten circuit - medium-difficulty

Technical data:

Length of piste: 8,85 km

Height difference: 104 m

Technique: classic and skating

Difficulty: medium

Flutlichtloipe Rundkurs Asten (Classic Skating High-altitude track Lighted trail)
Elevation 1.513 - 1.523 hm
Altitude 30 hm
Length 0 km / 2 km
  • Difficulty medium
  • Length 2 km
  • Groomed 0 km
  • Altitude 30 hm
  • Elevation 1.513 - 1.523 hm

Rundkurs Asten - mittelschwerer, abwechslungsreicher Kunstschneering

Technische Daten:

Länge beleuchtete Piste: 2,35 km

Höhendifferenz: 25 m

Technik: Klassisch und Skating

Schwierigkeit: mittel

Beleuchtung: Jeden Dienstag und Donnerstag von 18.00 bis 21.00 Uhr, geöffnet ab Anfang Dezember. Im Winter 22-23 bleibt die Flutlichtloipe geschlossen!)


Circuito di Asten - di media difficoltà, anello di neve artificiale variegato

Dati tecnici:

Lunghezza della pista illuminata: 2,35 km

Dislivello: 25 m

Tecnica: classica e skating

Difficoltà: media

Illuminazione: ogni martedì e giovedì dalle 18.00 alle 21.00, aperto dall'inizio di dicembre. Nell'inverno 22-23 il sentiero illuminato rimane chiuso)!


Asten circuit - medium-difficulty, varied artificial snow ring

Technical data:

Length of illuminated piste: 2,35 km

Height difference: 25 m

Technique: classic and skating

Difficulty: medium

Lighting: Every Tuesday and Thursday from 18.00 to 21.00, open from the beginning of December. In winter 22-23 the floodlit trail remains closed!)


Rundkurs Asten - mittelschwerer, abwechslungsreicher Kunstschneering

Technische Daten:

Länge beleuchtete Piste: 2,35 km

Höhendifferenz: 25 m

Technik: Klassisch und Skating

Schwierigkeit: mittel

Beleuchtung: Jeden Dienstag und Donnerstag von 18.00 bis 21.00 Uhr, geöffnet ab Anfang Dezember. Im Winter 22-23 bleibt die Flutlichtloipe geschlossen!)


Circuito di Asten - di media difficoltà, anello di neve artificiale variegato

Dati tecnici:

Lunghezza della pista illuminata: 2,35 km

Dislivello: 25 m

Tecnica: classica e skating

Difficoltà: media

Illuminazione: ogni martedì e giovedì dalle 18.00 alle 21.00, aperto dall'inizio di dicembre. Nell'inverno 22-23 il sentiero illuminato rimane chiuso)!


Asten circuit - medium-difficulty, varied artificial snow ring

Technical data:

Length of illuminated piste: 2,35 km

Height difference: 25 m

Technique: classic and skating

Difficulty: medium

Lighting: Every Tuesday and Thursday from 18.00 to 21.00, open from the beginning of December. In winter 22-23 the floodlit trail remains closed!)

Rundkurs Murrerhof (Classic Skating)
Elevation 1.324 - 1.334 hm
Altitude 10 hm
Length 0 km / 3 km
  • Difficulty easy
  • Length 3 km
  • Groomed 0 km
  • Altitude 10 hm
  • Elevation 1.324 - 1.334 hm

Dieser leichte Rundkurs beginnt beim Gasthof Murrerhof in Weißenbach und ist ideal für Anfänger des Langlaufsports.


Questo facile percorso circolare parte dall'albergo Murrerhof a Riobianco ed è ideale per i principianti dello sci di fondo.


This easy circular course starts at the Murrerhof inn in Weißenbach and is ideal for cross-country skiing beginners.


Dieser leichte Rundkurs beginnt beim Gasthof Murrerhof in Weißenbach und ist ideal für Anfänger des Langlaufsports.


Questo facile percorso circolare parte dall'albergo Murrerhof a Riobianco ed è ideale per i principianti dello sci di fondo.


This easy circular course starts at the Murrerhof inn in Weißenbach and is ideal for cross-country skiing beginners.

Loipe Pensertal (Classic Skating High-altitude track Lighted trail)
Elevation 1.335 - 1.523 hm
Altitude 220 hm
Length 0 km / 19 km
  • Difficulty medium
  • Length 19 km
  • Groomed 0 km
  • Altitude 220 hm
  • Elevation 1.335 - 1.523 hm

Loipe Pensertal

Abwechslungsreiche, landschaftlich wunderschön eingebettete Talloipe.

Technische Daten:

Länge: 19 km

Höhendifferenz: 280 m

Technik: Klassisch und Skating

Schwierigkeit: leicht-mittelschwerer-schwer.


Pista di sci di fondo Val di Pennes

Percorso a valle variegato, splendidamente inserito nel paesaggio.

Dati tecnici:

Lunghezza: 19 km

Dislivello: 280 m

Tecnica: classica e skating

Difficoltà: facile-moderato-difficile.


Pensertal cross-country ski trail

Varied valley trail, beautifully embedded in the landscape.

Technical data:

Length: 19 km

Height difference: 280 m

Technique: classic and skating

Difficulty: easy-moderate-difficult.


Langlaufen im Sarntal ist der Hit! Die weiße Genussspur entlang des Penser Tales führt vorbei an urigen Bergbauernhöfen und gemütlichen Gaststätten. Die Langlaufloipe "Pensertal" im hinteren Sarntal ist längst kein Geheimtipp mehr. Die abwechslungsreiche, an urigen Bauernhöfen vorbeiziehende, weiße Spur, die täglich topp für beide Laufstilarten präpariert wird, hat die Herzen der Langläufer aus Nah und Fern im Eiltempo erobert. Alle Loipen werden täglich präpariert, dodass dem puren Langlaufspaß nichts mehr im Wege stehen kann. Die Zahlen und Fakten sprechen für sich: Kaum ein anderer Sport eignet sich besser für ein umfassendes Ausdauer-Training als Langlaufen.


Lo sci di fondo in Val Sarentino è un successo! Il sentiero del piacere bianco lungo la Val di Pennes passa per rustiche fattorie di montagna e accoglienti locande. La pista di sci di fondo "Val di Pennes" nella retrostante Val Sarentino ha smesso da tempo di essere un consiglio per gli addetti ai lavori. La variegata pista bianca, che passa accanto a fattorie rustiche e viene battuta ogni giorno per entrambi i tipi di sci, ha conquistato in poco tempo i fondisti di tutto il mondo. Tutte le piste sono battute quotidianamente, in modo che nulla possa ostacolare il puro divertimento dello sci di fondo. I fatti e le cifre parlano chiaro: quasi nessun altro sport è più adatto per un allenamento di resistenza completo dello sci di fondo.


Cross-country skiing in the Sarntal valley is a hit! The white pleasure trail along the Pens Valley leads past rustic mountain farms and cosy inns. The "Pensertal" cross-country skiing trail in the rear Sarntal valley has long since ceased to be an insider tip. The varied white trail, which passes rustic farms and is groomed daily for both types of skiing, has won the hearts of cross-country skiers from near and far in no time. All trails are groomed daily so that nothing can stand in the way of pure cross-country skiing fun. The facts and figures speak for themselves: hardly any other sport is better suited for a comprehensive endurance training than cross-country skiing.


Loipe Pensertal

Abwechslungsreiche, landschaftlich wunderschön eingebettete Talloipe.

Technische Daten:

Länge: 19 km

Höhendifferenz: 280 m

Technik: Klassisch und Skating

Schwierigkeit: leicht-mittelschwerer-schwer.


Pista di sci di fondo Val di Pennes

Percorso a valle variegato, splendidamente inserito nel paesaggio.

Dati tecnici:

Lunghezza: 19 km

Dislivello: 280 m

Tecnica: classica e skating

Difficoltà: facile-moderato-difficile.


Pensertal cross-country ski trail

Varied valley trail, beautifully embedded in the landscape.

Technical data:

Length: 19 km

Height difference: 280 m

Technique: classic and skating

Difficulty: easy-moderate-difficult.

1 Winter sports accommodation in Sarntal Valley

Alpine Hotel & Restaurant Penserhof

Shop, rental and cross-country ski schools in the region

Alpine Hotel & Restaurant Penserhof
Innerpens 41
39058 Sarntal
  • Rental

Winter holiday: South Tyrol

South Tyrol

The snow-covered world of the Dolomites adds a very special charm to your winter holiday. Diverse ski tours and cross-country ski tracks lead through the entire region and delight with fascinating panoramic views time and again.

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